Regain Your Balance

Therapy for people who are overwhelmed and burned out

It starts with something small.

Running a few minutes late.

A minor issue at work.

Your plans need to be changed.

Then, all of a sudden, everything feels urgent.

Everything needs to be done right now.

Sometimes, you get lucky and the stress stays in your brain.

Other days, your entire body is tense and restless.

You even lose your appetite.

There has to be an another way to live.

A life with less stress and more balance.

Dealing with challenges and change with ease and grace.

Letting go of anxiety isn’t easy.

But it’s completely attainable.

I can help.

I help adults who are suffering from burnout and anxiety create a life of peace, joy, and balance.

My practice is neurodiversity- and LGBTQ+ affirming.

I’m Morgan.