Career or Caregiving Burnout
Running on empty
The fatigue never goes away.
The dread can be overwhelming at times.
How does a person start to hate something they used to enjoy and care about?
The chronic overwhelm just doesn’t stop, does it?
It’s hard to look forward to things that will “add to the pile.”
The expectations placed upon you are beyond what you feel you can handle.
After being overwhelmed for so long, it’s hard to feel capable of anything.
This isn’t sustainable.
You’re forgetting really important things.
Or maybe you’re not forgetting, but have no motivation to complete the tasks you’re supposed to.
The anxiety, dread, and numbness have dulled your ability to be creative and solve problems in your life. It truly is not sustainable to live like this.
Climbing out of this hole feels long and challenging.
Maybe you’ve already tried the meditation apps, the journaling, or you may havetried the meditation apps, the journaling, or you may have even changed your sleep routine.
But it wasn’t enough.
Burnout is hard, it’s hard for others to understand unless they’ve personally been through it.
You need more than self-care to take care of your burnout
Therapy is a place to talk about what led you to this point:
The systems in place that keep you feeling stuck, the resentment that blossomed inside of you, and the supports you need to put your life back together again.
It’s time to put yourself first.
You don’t have to feel this way forever
Together, we can work through your burnout and create a life that meets your needs first before accommodating the stress in your life.
Reach out and see if I’m a good fit to work with you on your burnout.